Currently playing: Governor of Poker 2

Howdy Stranger! Get your fair share of Texas Hold'em fun! Bet, call, raise, fold, check, all in... Make it big in Texas in this charming and highly enjoyable demo: Play in saloon tournaments, buy hats, accept a poker duel in a far-away coal mine... a new Wild West story unfolds!

Rating: 5 stars.

- Poker hand rankings: Royal Flush > Straight Flush > Four of a kind > Full House > Flush > Straight > Three of a kind > Two Pair > One Pair > High Cards

- A simple tutorial is available for the players new to poker.

- Playable in the demo: The towns of El Paso and Amarillo as well as the coal mine. Buy properties (all of Amarillo) to get access to the great coal mine duel.